Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Year - A New You!

Time to be movin' on once again. I packed all my squeaky balls, my bacon treats, my chew rope, my day bed and my collection of plush toys, hopped in the car and headed down the mountain. Goodbye Tennessee, goodbye English Mountain, goodbye cold and rain. Next thing I know, there is nothing but flat land, sand, sunshine and the worst tasting water I have ever drank from the biggest bathtub I have ever seen. Welcome to Florida!
We found a dog park on the first day. I definitely needed to get out and stretch my little 3 inch legs after that long car ride. I ran and I ran and I ran and I ran some more until I was just plain out of gas. This stuff called humidity is going to take some getting used to - especially after last winter in Arizona where it was warm and dry. Every time I go outside my hair gets all curly and frizzy and fluffy - I think I am scheduled to go to the groomer for a haircut this week which is a good thing because these little girl dogs just aren't impressed with my Odie-afro!

The next day we discovered a dog beach! Woohoo! Wait - what is a beach??
I sniffed and snorted and scratched and stomped and ran and swam and chased a ball and got chased by waves and barked at fish and barked a boats and chased seagulls and got chased by pelicans and rolled and sunned and splashed and dug and repeated it all over and over...then I collapsed on my beach towel! I think I like the beach. But the water tastes terrible. Who put all that salt in it?

I think I am going to like this new place. My people tell me that we will be here for a few months, so if any of you want to come play ball with me at the beach, come on down - I'll share my beach towel with you!!

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