Monday, October 27, 2008

There's No Place Like Home *People Notes*

Hooray! Made it back to the cabin just in time for the gorgeous fall colors and fantastic weather. We were not planning to be gone for such a long time, but the cabin survived just fine without us. With the exception of the jungle overgrowth covering the entire driveway and some impressive cobwebs, all was well.

Paul 'Bunyan' spent a few days tackling the forest, overgrowth and taking out some dead trees that were endagering the cabin roof and power lines, then he planted some blue spruce and hemlock to eventually fill in the gaps. In a single afternoon he built a most impressive picnic table from scrap wood. And on the seventh day he rested...I'm pretty sure he is still resting!

I couldn't get to the barn and hit the trails fast enough. Good friends, good trails, good horses... Climbing back into the saddle on the gentle giant Ben was a bit intimidating at first - was he this big and tall last year? Sure is nice to be back out riding with my 2-legged friends (Sandy & Darlene) and my 4-legged friends (Ben, Penny, Sheba, and Stella).

Ahhh...there's no place like home! Here is the view from the top of English Mountain overlooking Smoky Mountain National Park. We live 'jus down tha road uh piece frum hare' as they say in Appalachia!

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